National Post-doc Conference 2023 (NPDC23)
19th Sept 2023 - Loughborough University
C-DICE and Loughborough University were delighted to host the UKRSA/Vitae biennial National Postdoc Conference in 2023 as part of Postdoc Appreciation Week – the only conference in the UK dedicated solely to the celebration of postdoctoral researchers from any university, in any discipline.
The conference theme of “Transitions and New Horizons” will provide a platform to celebrate the impact and contribution of postdocs in changing the world for the better. Bringing together the postdoctoral community for building networks, sharing experiences, developing careers and equipping postdocs to thrive in their current role and beyond.
To see some of the sessions and output from the conference please visit;

Vitae International Researcher Development Conference 2022
Tuesday 13-15th September 2022. #VitaeCon2022
"Safeguarding the future of research: how can we support the careers of ECRs post-pandemic?"
The UK Research Staff Association (UKRSA) is concerned that early career researchers (ECRs) including PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and other early- and mid-career researchers (MCRs) have been affected by the pandemic and will continue to be affected for years to come if systemic changes are not implemented to adequately support researcher development. Many organisations have studied this impact, including the Microbiology Society, which in 2021 sought to find out more about the impact of COVID-19 on ECRs and its subsequent impact on funding, workplace practices and future career prospects. The Society’s work revealed that the pandemic has acted as a magnifying glass on issues that have been present in academia for years, such as gender inequality, ableism for people with disabilities and a sense of isolation and loneliness at work. In that way, the pandemic has dramatically highlighted the need for a systemic and fundamental change in the way ECRs and MCRs are being valued and supported in pursuing successful research careers.
But what can we do? This interactive session helped attendees to explore the impact of COVID-19 on the careers of ECRs and MCRs, discuss barriers to their career progression and recommend ways in which they could bring about culture change for ECRs and MCRs back to their organisations. This session included the opportunity to hear from early career researchers, and Microbiology Society project’s main findings were shared. A workshop was used to foster discussion about the impact of the pandemic on ECRs and will brainstorm recommendations on how best to support them within their organisations.
National Postdoc Conference 2021
Friday 24th September 2021
The University of Liverpool hosted the National Postdoc Conference 2021 (NPDC21), which was a virtual event to provide an opportunity for postdoctoral researchers to engage with industry stakeholders, funding agencies, policy influencers, research developers and career development professionals.
The conference included a keynote from CEO of UKRI Professor Dame Ottoline Leyser, sessions on wellbeing, changing cultures and many exciting topics, lots of these online sessions are still available to access via the conference programme.
An accessible description of the visual summary of the NPDC21 conference is available at the main Liverpool NPDC21 page.
Reimaging the postdoctoral experience: The role of postdoctoral researchers in a changing landscape
Thursday 10th September 2020; 15:30-19:00 (London BST)
repeated on
Friday 11th September 2020: 07:30-11:00 (London BST)
The UKRSA has been invited to speak at this event hosted by Wellcome Trust, which will include discussions from a global perspective on what a postdoc is for, how researchers feel about the postdoc experience and what data is available to help us understand this.
For more information click here
Vitae Connections Week
Monday 14th September 2020; 09:00 (London BST) till
Thursday 17th September 2020: 16:00 (London BST)
The UKRSA is attending the Vitae Connections Week 2020 (#VitaeCon2020); This is a week full of live and on demand opportunities for knowledge and practice sharing, networking and discussion among those with an interested in researcher development globally. It will include live-streamed keynote presentations, small-group interactive and discussion sessions, poster session and exhibition area reimagined for remote access.
Live Sessions
C4 Tuesday 15th September 2020; 11:30-12:30 (London BST)
Wellcome Cafe on Research Culture: Reimaging the way research works
UKRSA is co-hosting this live session which will help us to visualise and co-create a better research culture by sharing ideas to help drive change. Feedback from this session will be brought to the UK Reimagine Research Solutions Summit (Winter 2020) to make real change happen.
For more information click here
On demand
Researcher Networks: Nurturing positive and inclusive research cultures
UKRSA is co-hosting this on demand session looking at Researcher Networks, their benefits and how they are a platform for communication and researcher development.
For more information click here
Parental Leave: Experience of researchers and creating supportive environments
UKRSA is hosting this on demand session looking at lessons learned from a parental leave survey, it onlines best practise for institutes as well as offering advice to researchers.
For more information click here
UKRSA: Who, what and why?
UKRSA is hosting an exhibition area, which highlights information about the UKRSA, and Research Staff Associations.
For more information click here
For more information about the Vitae Connections Week click here
UKRSA Summer Face to Face Meeting!
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
9th August 2017
We are very excited to announce that we will be holding our first Scottish face to face meeting this summer!
Emma and Louise are looking forward to hosting UKRSA members from across the country in our fair city, to discuss REF, Concordat, parental leave and lots more as we set our agenda for the upcoming academic year!
Be sure to get your wishlist in to Louise ASAP!

National Postdoc Meeting
The Postdocs of Cambridge (PdOC) Society is hosting the first National Postdoc Meeting on 19-20 September 2017 with support from the University of Cambridge.
The Meeting will take place at the Postdoc Centre at Eddington (North West Cambridge) and will include workshops, talks and networking opportunities and a celebration of Postdoc Appreciation Week. The meeting will be in conjunction with the official opening of the new Postdoc Centre.
All postdocs welcome! Registration will open soon but please register your interest on our website:
More details and full announcement to follow. All queries should be directed to