Parental Leave for Research Staff:
Discovering challenges, advice and best practice for researchers and institutes.

Experience of Researchers taking Parental Leave
The UKRSA and Vitae explores the wide and varied experiences of researchers as described by 365 questionnaire respondents, following a UKRSA survey in 2017. From these responses we have created two publications. Firstly a report "Experience of Researchers taking Maternity, Paternity, Adoption and/or Parental Leave: Report on qualitative data by the UK Research Staff Association" which is the first publication looking specifically at the experiences of researchers taking childcare leave in the UK.
As part of this survey researchers offered a wide range of advice from general life advice to specifics about childcare vouchers, documenting everything, ensuring appropriate holiday accrual, and keeping track of pay. The more general forms of advice were often about keeping perspective on what is important, balancing work and home life, and doing what is best for oneself. From these a leaflet on "Tips for researchers taking maternity, paternity, adoption or parental leave and advice for institutions and employers" was created.