We are recruiting
We are a volunteer organisation who's mission is to empower research staff to take control of their own careers and to represent Research Staff by providing a collective voice. We sit on committees and advisory boards to various issues so that the Research Staff views are taken into consideration. Recently this has been on the concordat strategy group, involvement in REF21 consultation and involvement in HR excellence in research award panel. We also do our own research, with recent work looking at the well-being and parental leave.
No experience needed, just a willingness to get involved in projects to support research staff at a national level. This is an opportunity to meet new people, make valuable connections, and add leadership skills to your CV. We welcome anyone who is actively engaged in their local research staff associations, and this includes both research staff and research developers.
We are specifically looking for regional representatives to cover the UK. Within these regions, we are looking to have at least one UKRSA committee member at each University to support the regional representatives.